With over 15 years of combined experience in various home-related fields such as building, contracting, 'Green' certification, and even as a Realtor®, our inspectors have seen just about everything! Our extensive, professional training is recognized and approved by ASHI, NAHI, InterNACHI and other professional organizations. We adhere to the InterNACHI Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics for the Home Inspection Profession (available here for download). Although it may surprise you, we're also among a very small number of professional inspectors in the state that are actually insured! If you've used us in the past, you know how thourough and professional we are in our work. If you have never used us, we invite you to give us a shot today... you'll be glad you did!
Why We're Different
We know that the real estate industry is becoming more and more reliant on technology:
More buyers start their searches online;
YouTube and mobile video have become a reliable means of house shopping;
Social media is clearly not just a fad and real business is done via Facebook, twitter, etc.
Wouldn't you prefer to hire a home inspector that not only understands this shift, but has fully embraced it?
Sandia Home Inspections conducts all inspections with an iPad readily at hand instead of a pen and paper or by constantly returning to a computer that's set up in the kitchen to type up notes as we move from room to room. We know your time is valuable. Efficiency is key and this is just one way we will try to make the process as streamlined and simple as possible for you or your client.

One more thing we bring is an actual personality! If you've ever been to a home inspection, it could feel like you were just annoying or bothering the inspector when he's in the house by asking simple questions. We've heard that all too often and we refuse to be characterized that way. If you have questions either while we're there or after we leave, please feel free to ask. We know that most people are not experts in home maintenance and components. If we can help you to understand something a little bit better, we're more than willing to do so. Also, we spend all day looking at houses... sometimes we welcome some conversation about the weather, the Lobos or whatever's going on in the news so don't be afraid of us... we don't bite!